
Client profile

Polity is a decentralised marketplace for Web3 financial products and services connecting buyers and sellers while offering a bespoke and easy-to-use experience for secure non-custodial transactions.


Opus Una was asked by the co-founder and the pre-seed investor to support opportunity and concept validation, business model development, design system review, product design validation, partnership engagements and go-to-market strategy development.

What we did

Tailored to Polity’s goals and objectives, Opus Una’s approach began with workshopping with the co-founders and other key stakeholders to develop and define the market opportunity. This was followed up to address Polity’s immediate needs for scoping the pre-Alpha and Alpha products.


The foundational work was then leveraged to advise on the overall design system, the private Alpha product design, the private Beta architecture and other core business areas.


With our support in the technical design and product development of pre-Alpha, we not only helped define the overall scope of the offering and its market positioning, but we also enhanced the investor pitch deck and other supporting assets to position the client for achieving their fundraising goal during the seed round.


We are now supporting the build for the private Alpha product and private Beta architecture development, whilst also helping the client to cultivate partnerships and bring greater functionality and innovation to the marketplace.

Outcome Delivered

  • Business strategy developed

  • Pre-Alpha Product Review

  • Polity design system developed

  • Private Alpha Product design reviewed

  • Private Beta systems architecture concept validated

  • Partnerships established

What they said about us

“Sharmil and his colleagues at Opus Una have been foundational in helping us advance Polity from a business concept to the alpha production stage. Their contributions have massively extended our ‘Intellectual IQ’ and ideation capacity at the early stages of our development. By validating and anchoring our ideas in the best industry practices, Opus Una provided us with a robust base for the Polity network and marketplace product. Their expert guidance on business strategy, product design, software development lifecycle and strategic partnerships has been invaluable. With their support we successfully enhanced our investor assets in preparation for the coming seed round. We look forward to continuing our partnership as we embark on private beta development, bringing greater functionality and innovation to the marketplace.”


Alexandre Kotcherguine
Co-founder and Investor, Polity Network